Heavy Duty, Commercial Grade Ai Agent that qualifies your leads, books call directly onto your calendar, and sends lead data to your CRM

More than just Ai Chat Bots

AI agents that can answer questions, generate leads, schedule appointments and more.



You've tried off-the-shelf ai chat bots and they just aren't natural, don't understand your company or business, and don't work smoothly

The truth is, there are 1000 off-the-shelf ai chat bots being built, plus OpenAI is opening CustomGPT to the public.

You've probably tried one or many of them.

So have we.

You've probably tried one or many of them. So have we.

And most of them aren't natural, reply on clunking code, can't collect leads, and can't book calls onto your calendar.

In short, they seem to fulfill the Ai Chat Bot dream . . .

but in reality, they are just chat bots with some ai attached

But in reality, they are just chat bots with some ai attached...

One problem is that most chat bot companies try to make many types of chat bots: avatar bots, sales bots, customer service bots, information bots, and so on. The result is that the bots lack specificity and simply regurgitate your site content or the openai LLM.

Each type of chat bot requires specific and unique tuning, and the prompting must be exact.

So you try to generate leads with the other chat bots, and it's a clunky experience, and feels like a bot to your prospect.

Your Business deserves more than an off-the-shelf Chat Bot to represent your sales department.


Your Ai Agent should be as professional as your expertise

When an off-the-shelf ai chat bot engages with your prospects, it may turn away as many leads as it attracts . . . and turn away your best leads

Your Ai Agent should be 100% conversational and natural and not feel scripted

Your prospects aren't looking for a robotic experience, they want to be wowed by an extraordinary experience.

Your Ai Agent should be able to get your prospect to the intended result quickly and professionally

Your Ai Agent should be able to recommend the next step, whether that's booking on your calendar, making an immediate sale, or scheduling a followup.

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Our Ai Agents:

We specialize in heavy duty, commercial grade, lead generation Ai Agents . . .

. . . that work smoothly and conversationally, with laser sharp precision, collecting names and emails, shooting them to GHL or Zapier, or even booking leads directly onto your team's calendar.

Imagine a true Ai Agent that can have a completely intelligent conversation with your prospects . . .

. . . then collect their name and email, add them to GHL or Zapier, book an appointment right onto your calendar, or send them a sales letter based on their responses

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Calendar Booking:



The Ai Agent asks questions to pre-qualify the prospect for your calendar, discovery call, or demo, then asks prospect to set a booked call

Qualify Leads and Collect Contact Information

  • Ask questions to qualify leads
  • Collect name and email
  • Send contact info to Zapier, GHL, or your CRM

Books the Call

The AI agent will go to your calendar, check for availability and chat with the user to schedule an appointment.

Book Demos and Calls Directly Onto Your Calendar

Our Ai Agent can interface directly with your calendar, so instead of making the prospect fill out a calendar link, we can offer them 3 open times on your calendar, get their response, then book the time that works best for them. This specifically mimics your own natural conversation with a prospect, so instead of just sending a calendar link, the Ai is personally booking a call for them.

Sets up followup after the booked call

The AI agent interfaces with your CRM, sends booking data there, to trigger any email or CRM communication

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Make Sales Directly in the Ai.

When the goal is a self-directed sale or trial:

The Ai Agent pre-qualifies prospect to determine prospect-product fit

The Ai Agent can ask specific questions and yet respond naturally to varied prospect responses, to determine if the prospect is a right fit for your product or self-service sign up.

The Ai Agent recommends the next step, sales page, or trial sign up

The Ai Agent can also be programmed to NOT send the prospect to the next step when not qualified.

Make Product/Service Recommendations for Immediate Sales

You can also use the Ai Agent to specifically qualify for a service or product purchase, then send the prospect to the appropriate sign up or sales page

Next Step Re-Direction

Once the Ai Agent has made the recommendation, additional prospect info can be gathered for future off-Agent followup (email or CRM responses)


Quickly Move Website Visitors to the right next step: Get their contact info, book a call, or make a sale on the spot

Your website visitors, prospects, and customers want to connect with you in real time via live chat on your website. But for most companies, supporting one-to-one sales conversations at scale can be a challenge.

With YourSalesDroid, you can easily create Ai Agents that help you qualify leads, book meetings, and more—so your team has more time to focus on the conversations that demand the most attention.

Instead of treating sales conversations on site as a 'customer service issue,' the Ai Agent follows through and makes the sales, gets the lead, or books the call.


Conversational Ai Agents

Create AI agents that work 24/7/365 - chatting with leads in over 160+ languages, on every channel your users are active.

Connect Ai to Everything

Establish the backbone of your AI offer which allows your clients to connect AI agents to any platform they use.

Use Ai to enhance your workflow

No more trading your time for money. Create your AI agents and let them to do your chatting.

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Save time and money

Replace chat staff and eliminate email back and forth for booking new leads.

Stop losing leads when they bounce from your site

We use 3 touchpoints to engage with your leads: on site, in a chat bubble, and in an exit pop if you desire. The first visit to your site is the most important, you've invested good money to get the traffic, now let's convert it to leads fast.

Get hot prospects booked on your calendar the first time they hit your site

Our ai searches your calendar for available times, then offers your lead 3 options, and books your lead in at the time of your choice, instead of sending them to a calendar link (where they often bounce)

In addition, you have full control and your own dashboard (instead of outsourcing to an agency)

You get the best of both worlds: commercial grade Ai Chat Bot + your own dashboard and install panel (so you don't have to pay extra for a "client manager" and sales team)

Although it's heavy - duty and commercial grade, your company interface uses a drag and Drop Ai Agent Builder that's super easy to install, train, and deploy.

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Easily create and customize your Ai Agent.

YourSalesDroids' templates and intuitive ai agent builder make it easy to get started, with no coding skills required.

Choose a template based on your ai agents' goal. Then, use the text prompt editor to customize the conversation to match your brand, and add your own unique questions and copy.

Your company and team have full control, with your own control panel and dashboard

Instead of having a sales call to determine your plan, then wait for a team to learn your companies goals, then build out a chat bot and deliver it to you . . . you can login immediately after sign up and create your first Commercial Grade Ai Agent.

Yes, it will need fine-tuning, but we not only have templates and instructions, but we also have prompt engineers who can assist you in design your Ai Agent

In short:

√  Fast, easy install (first Droid in 5 Minutes)

√  Easy to train with proven pre-written prompts

√  Qualify leads and only book qualified calls

√  Book calls directly onto your calendar

√  Build trust and rapport with prospects from their first visit to your website

The Results

Humanize your on-site communication 24-7

When your Ai Agent can work intuitively, with a human feel, 24-7, without breaks and without making mistakes, your lead throughput, lead collection, booked calls, and overall sales can dramatically increase.

We are the most professional self-service Ai Agent in the industry, and with just a little additional help and mojo, these conversations can be highly customized.

Go ahead, take it for a spin, build your own Ai Agent, or book a demo call so we can determine exactly what additional features are a good fit for your unique situation.

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